Source code for sprockets.http.mixins

HTTP related utility mixins.

- :class:`LoggingHandler`: adds ``self.logger``
- :class:`ErrorLogger`: extends ``send_error`` to log useful information
- :class:`ErrorWriter`: implements ``send_error`` to write a useful response

import logging
import json
import traceback

from tornado import httputil

def _get_http_reason(status_code):
    return httputil.responses.get(status_code, 'Unknown')

[docs]class LoggingHandler: """ Add ``self.logger``. Mix this into your inheritance chain to add a ``logger`` attribute unless one already exists. .. attribute:: logger Instance of :class:`logging.Logger` with the same name as the class. """ def initialize(self): super().initialize() if not hasattr(self, 'logger'): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class ErrorLogger(LoggingHandler): """ Log a message in ``send_error``. Mix this class into your inheritance chain to ensure that errors sent via :meth:`tornado.web.RequestHandler.send_error` and :meth:`tornado.web.RequestHandler.write_error` are written to the log. """ def send_error(self, status_code=500, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('reason', None) is None: # so... ReqehstHandler._handle_request_exception explicitly # discards the exc.reason in the case of web.HTTPError... _, exc, _ = kwargs.get('exc_info', (None, None, None)) if getattr(exc, 'reason', None): kwargs['reason'] = exc.reason else: # Oh, and make non-standard HTTP status codes NOT explode! kwargs['reason'] = _get_http_reason(status_code) super().send_error(status_code, **kwargs) def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs): log_function = self.logger.debug if 400 <= status_code < 500: log_function = self.logger.warning else: log_function = self.logger.error # N.B. kwargs[reason] is set up by send_error log_function('%s %s failed with %s: %s', self.request.method, self.request.uri, status_code, kwargs.get('log_message', kwargs['reason'])) super().write_error(status_code, **kwargs)
[docs]class ErrorWriter: """ Write error bodies out consistently. Mix this class in to your inheritance chain to include error bodies in a machine-readable document format. If :class:`~sprockets.mixins.mediatype.ContentMixin` is also in use, it will send the error response with it, otherwise the response is sent as a JSON document. The error document has three simple properties: **type** This is the type of exception that occurred or ``null``. It is only set when :meth:`.write_error` is invoked with a non-empty ``exc_info`` parameter. In that case, it is set to the name of the first value in the :class:`tuple`; IOW, ``exc_type.__name__``. **message** This is a description of the error. If exception info is present, then the stringified exception value is used as the message (e.g., ``str(exc_value)``); otherwise, the HTTP ``reason`` will be used. If a custom ``reason`` is not present, then the standard HTTP reason phrase is used. In the final case of a non-standard HTTP status code with neither an exception nor a custom reason, the string ``Unknown`` will be used. **traceback** If the application is configured to serve tracebacks and the error was caused by an exception (based on ``exc_info`` kwarg), then this is the formatted traceback as an array of strings returned from :func:`traceback.format_exception`. Otherwise, this property is set to ``null``. """ def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs): error_body = {'type': None, 'traceback': None} exc_type, exc_value, _ = kwargs.get('exc_info', (None, None, None)) if exc_type and exc_value: error_body['type'] = exc_type.__name__ error_body.setdefault('message', str(exc_value)) if self.settings.get('serve_traceback', False): error_body['traceback'] = traceback.format_exception( *kwargs['exc_info']) else: reason = kwargs.get('reason', _get_http_reason(status_code)) error_body.setdefault('message', reason) # If sprockets.mixins.media_type is being used, use it if hasattr(self, 'send_response'): self.send_response(error_body) else: self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8') self.write(json.dumps(error_body).encode('utf-8'))